a GRAND idea #9

Extreme Grandparenting 1When my daughter was a new mom (four kids ago) she read a lot about parenting and her favorite book was Extreme Parenting by Dr. Tim & Darcy Himmel. So she recommended that I read their book for grandparents: Extreme Grandparenting. (I suppose she thought maybe I needed some help??) 🙂

At any rate, I LOVED IT!  It covers pretty much every topic, more then I thought I’d ever need but actually now have put into practice. I want to make a positive difference in my grandchildren’s lives, and this book has been very helpful.

Written with a Christian perspective, it can be read individually or with a group for discussion as each chapter ends with questions and a prayer.

Quotes from the book:

  • We come alongside to help them (our children) carry their heavy burden of parenting.
  • Too much is at stake for us to take our role as blessing givers lightly.
  • They need to see us flourishing within a culture hostile to Christianity.

This book covers distance as well as divorce, babies and teenagers, step and adopted grandchildren. Basically it covers the gambit!

It’s a great read and I highly recommend it.

What other books would YOU suggest?

3 thoughts on “a GRAND idea #9

  1. Thank you! When we became grandparents 10 years ago, I searched high & low for a serious book on Christian grandparenting … and came up empty. At last I have a trusted recommendation!

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