April Showers . . .

Showering books, that is! 🙂

  1. Do you have a Goodreads or an Amazon account? Here’s an opportunity to get my book for free. Beginning tonight at midnight and running through April 24th, enter to win. Click on  “Enter Giveaway” below after midnight.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Papa, Where Are You? by P.J. Easterbrook

Papa, Where Are You?

by P.J. Easterbrook

Giveaway ends April 24, 2017.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

2. Local Book Signing #2 Saturday, April 29th, from 11am to 1pm. Six North Café.

six north book signing

3. Available in your digital mode of choice:

Papa, Where Are You? digital mode of your choice

4. Always available in paperback:

Papa, Where Are You? in paperback


I’m not sure God uses irony to make a point but maybe . . .
For example:

I was born in Abington Hospital on Easter.
43 years later . . .
My dad died in Abington Hospital on Christmas.

These two days – the most important, in fact the basis for, days in Christianity.

Obviously the day of my birth is not one I remember, but my mother does. As the story goes, I was not due for several days but Mother went into labor and called the doctor. It was her third and she knew time was of the essence. Back in the day doctors were more personally involved. He came and picked her up and took her to the hospital.

To be clear, this was not necessarily the norm but my dad had to stay home with my two older brothers and it was early, early Easter Sunday morning.

Because this delivery was long, long ago, my mother was sedated and not until she awoke later, did she realize she had a daughter. 😊 She was overjoyed after having two sons. And, of course, after seeing me, what’s not to love! 😊 😊 😊
It was 6am Easter Sunday morning. The church people showed up later in the day bringing her the most beautiful Easter flowers from church that day.

Fast forward 43 years.

My dad had been sick for a while and I got the call to come be with my mother as this was probably the time to “say goodbye” to him.
They were in Philadelphia and I was in St. Louis.

It turned into a three-week vigil.

Finally I told my mother I had to go home to my hubby and two teenaged kids. It was three days before Christmas. My brother flew in and we passed the baton. It turned out that it was the last day Dad was conscious. I remember getting on the plane and calling him – one last time – to tell him I loved him. I then flew home, brokenhearted. He was 71 years old.

(That year was probably my first on-line shopping experience. Having not yet shopped for the kid’s Christmas gifts (and no matter what the age, kids expect to see gifts on Christmas morning 😊 ) I ordered on-line and paid extra to expedite shipping. No Amazon prime then. â˜č)

On Christmas Day, back in Philadelphia, my dad had been unconscious for three days and my brother and mother decided to leave the hospital to get fresh air and have a nice Christmas dinner somewhere. However, on Christmas Day, not many choices so it was Chinese for them.

Having no cell phones, they didn’t get the news until they returned to the hospital. My dad had passed away.

We all flew back for the funeral, and afterwards, settled back into life as we knew it.

For the longest time I was dismayed that for all the Christmases to come, I’d associate it with my dad’s death.

Then I got older.

It wasn’t until probably 2 decades later that I realized the irony of the hospital and special holidays my dad and I shared.

And I thank God I can focus, not on my birth and my dad’s death, but on His birth Christmas and His resurrection Easter which means I’ll not only be with God when I die, but with my dad! PTL

Ironic. Huh?!

Excerpt #3 – Papa, Where Are You?

An organization called Readers’ Favorite was kind enough to give my book a review. This is part of it:

“Papa, Where Are You? is a wonderful, easy-to-read story that takes readers on a journey that young children should never experience. Author PJ Easterbrook invites you on her journey through sadness, uncertainty, and then triumph. She does an excellent job telling about the adventure at Grandma’s house one summer with the two sisters. The description in the first chapter allowed me to imagine the grand house with the wraparound porch before I even saw the photograph. I enjoyed reading about their Halloween costumes and felt excited as if I was at the neighborhood trick-or-treating block party. Unfortunately, I also shared in the sad news and fought the urge to mourn along with the rest of the family. What kind of man would leave his daughters when they need him the most – without saying goodbye? . . . There were many times when I didn’t want to put this book down. Either I felt their sadness and disappointment or I was thrilled that they got their well-deserved happy ending. Papa, Where Are You? is a very moving book.”
Reviewed by Barbara Fanson for Readers’ Favorite

new book cover
Be sure to read more reviews on my author website by clicking below.

Papa, Where Are You? paperback and digital

Book Signing #1

First of all, I feel major relief that it’s over – the first one, that is. 🙂

I researched how to do it, what to bring, where to have it and who to invite.

I went to other book signings to see the action.

One might think what’s all the fuss? Set up a card table, pile on some books, and go at it!

Sounds good but I’m an over-planner, insecure as I am.

And there actually are proper preferred guidelines/suggestions.img_4298

Google probably will give me some kind of award for “googling” the most on one subject! But it’s interesting how many different opinions there are out there.

Where I held the book signing was first. I picked the place but didn’t even know if they had signings there. It is a nice pub/cafĂ© type venue. My pastor knew the owner so introductions were made. The rest is history. Bob couldn’t have been nicer to work with.

Of course I used every social media sight I had to convey the time and place. I even designed and hung a couple of posters in various spots. For those not on social media with me, I handed out a few post cards.

Prior to the day, being a list person, I made mine.

That day, I packed up and headed out. My friends Jean and Becky were my right-hand   (wo)men! I couldn’t have done it without them. Well maybe I could have but I wouldn’t want to! 

Set up was easier and quicker than I had hoped for, and we were ready!
Friends from church along with passerby’s came in and out over the two-hour span. I felt the love! I even met another new author.

All in all, I sold 19 books. Not bad for two hours.
Now I can relax . . . before I start planning the next event. 🙂

Want your own copy of Papa, Where Are You? click here: Papa, Where Are You?

Excerpt #2 “Papa, Where Are You”

Today I’m sharing an excerpt of an editorial review associated with Readers View. This is an organization that offers reviews especially to those who are self-published. The catch is that once reviewed, it will be published to various social media sights.

Good or Bad!

I’ve actually scrolled through various reviews to make sure this was correct and not just all sugar and spice. While always professional, the reviews are well written and honest.

Good or Bad!

It was a gamble but with enough hopefully honest reviews up to this point, I submitted my book to them and held my breath.

It came back yesterday and, honestly, I was blown away. It was kind and accurate to the plot – in detail. I was feeling quite humbled and yet affirmed. I’ve posted the beginning and ending of the review so as not to give away the entire story to those yet to read it. 🙂

“Truth is indeed stranger than fiction, and this bizarre story captured my complete attention, invoking unbelievable strong emotions in me from the very start. The story is well written and captivating, and I couldn’t help but fall in love with the two little girls and pray for their well and pray for their well-being. . .
“How in the world does something like this happen? It really causes one to think how every little decision we make completely alters the course of existence.
“Kudos to PJ Easterbrook, for putting to paper a story that needed telling, “Papa, Where Are You?” will remain in the heart and on the mind long after the story is finished.” – Reviewed by Sheri Hoyte for Reader Views


This is a photograph of “Papa” with his three children – the only photo known to exist. The quality was not good enough to be placed in the actual book.



Click on button below where you can order “Papa, Where Are You?” in paperback or digital store of your choice.

“Papa, Where Are You?”          “Papa, Where Are You?” digital format




“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully        upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”                       Alexander Graham Bell

It isn’t the first time, and I have no doubt in my mind that it’ll be the last.  A proofreader and an editor from a prominent Christian publishing company agreed to read my book.  (Yes, I wrote a book.  More about that later.)  Bottom line is that they liked it but was not what their company “does”.  Not sure what that means.  Maybe a brush off?  Well, obviously a brush off!  But they both said they liked it so I’m going with that!  There are other fish (publishers) in the sea!

Moving on!!!

Well, first to backtrack a bit, I experienced a huge upheaval in my life (and heart) last year.  I wasn’t sure what my direction would be or where it would take me next.  It “happened” that I listened to a Dobson show on the radio one day, something I rarely do.  There was an author on the program speaking about her book.  It fascinated me.  I ordered it.  I read it. I was reminded that way back in my mind, I intended to write a story about relatives of mine, such as this book was.

So I wrote a book.

Everyone probably has a “book” in them.  I’ve always wanted to write and dabbled in poetry years ago.  The first one I remember writing is

                                                   My mother loves me all the time, she keeps me very near.                                                              She says I am the sweetest; I think she is a dear.                                                                      She’s always talking tenderly, she’s always being kind.                                                                She’s always being loving at ever the best of time.

I was probably in 4th grade!

When I was 20ish, and in the pit of rejection, I remember penning this:

                                         It rained tonight, the windows leaked.  I didn’t care, I was glad.                                                   Because God was crying for me, I had no need to be sad. . .

Not Shakespeare, clearly.  Just me!  I see writing as a form of communication, a way of release, of thoughts on paper, or more of thoughts that I didn’t know I had, showing up on paper!   Writing is therapeutic and healing.   There seems to be no wrong way to write.  Unless one wishes to be published, of course.

My goal in writing my book was not necessarily to be published.  I had a story to tell, a family story, a true compelling story of times gone by.  I had legal documentation to back up and build my story.  And I had the time to tell it.

So my book was born.

My query letter sums it up like this:

“This is the account of two brave little girls covering five traumatic years of their lives as they struggle to find an adult they can trust, sort out the lies, and rely on God for their strength.”

Intrigued?  I don’t want to give away the story.  Yet.   Because some, whose opinions I value, have read it and encouraged me to seek out publication, I will do so.

I’ll just pick myself up, dust myself off, and start all over again!

It’s the thrill of the hunt!

P.S.  Does anyone know a publisher . . .? 🙂